WordPress SEO Checklist

wordpress seo checklist

Must check WordPress SEO checklist with the 8 most important points you should check on your WP website after install or when starting SEO.

How To Choose A WordPress Theme

When it comes to starting a WordPress website, I found by far the most difficult question is which theme to choose. It’s understandable, there are literally tens of thousands of different WP themes. But how to choose a WordPress theme? How to choose the best one for your blog or business?

WordPress Media Settings

WP media settings

How to use WordPress media settings correctly. What are the user experience, speed ans SEO benefits of setting up your WP site and how to do it.

How To Start A Beautiful Website

How to start a website

Learn all the tricks of starting a website in 2021. Easy step by step tutorial, you can have a working website literally in an hour.

How to Install Google Analytics on WordPress

How to install Google Analytics

How to install Google Analytics on WordPress? Easy to understand tutorial with video. How to get your Google Analytics code and how to install it on your WordPress site. Step by step guide.