40 Profitable Consulting Business Ideas

If you want to start a successful consulting business in 2021, the very first thing you need to decide is what niche you want to operate in. I find for most people this is very difficult, partly because it gets very hard to think out of the box when it comes to start our own business.

I gathered what I think are the 40 most lucrative consulting business ideas in 2021. Some of them are extremely specific, some of them target a broader audience. I believe these are the niches where people really need your help, and are willing the pay for it.

So if you’re about to start your own consulting business, check out this list. You might just find what you’ve been looking for.

This is an excerpt from my original downloadable pdf “94 Lucrative Consulting Business Ideas” which you can get instantly by clicking here.

Profitable Consulting Business Ideas In 2021

Website Consulting Business Ideas

  1. Website Designer
  2. Website SEO Expert
  3. WordPress Consultant

Online Marketing Consulting Business Ideas

  1. Online Sales Funnels Consultant
  2. Facebook Marketing Consultant
  3. YouTube Consultant
  4. AdWords Consultant

Marketing & PR Consulting Ideas

  1. Direct Mail Consultant
  2. PR Consultant
  3. Corporate Retreat Consultant
  4. Restaurant Interior Designer

Publishing Consulting Ideas

  1. eBook Consultant
  2. Fiction Writer Consultant
  3. Self-publishing Consultant
  4. Book Editor

E-commerce Consulting Business Ideas

  1. Ebay Consultant
  2. Shopify Consultant
  3. E-commerce Implementation Consultant

Personal Development Consulting Business Ideas

  1. Resume Consultant
  2. College Counseling
  3. Time Management Consultant
  4. Retirement Planning Consultant

Personal & Home

  1. Clothing/Wardrobe/Fashion/Image Consultant
  2. Fintess Consultant / Personal Trainer
  3. Wedding Consultant
  4. Dating Consultant

Business Related Consulting Ideas

  1. Bookkeeping Consultant
  2. Employee Motivation Consultant
  3. Business Presentations Consultant
  4. Fundraising Consultant

Green Consulting Ideas

  1. Organic Farming Consultant
  2. Environmental Consultant
  3. Air Quality Consultant

IT Consulting Ideas

  1. Computer Maintenance Consultant
  2. Computer Network Consultant
  3. App Consultant

Other Consulting Business Ideas

  1. Expert Witness Service Consultant
  2. Artist Agent
  3. English (or any other language you know) Consultant
  4. Home Office Consultant

Get the complete list of 94 Lucrative Consulting Business Ideas in a downloadable pdf with more tips and trick on how to start a profitable consulting business. Just click here and download your full list »

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