Best Online Business Ideas Without Investment

We don’t all have the cash to throw into a new business, and it might feel like you can’t get started as a result. While there are some business ideas that really do need money in order to get off the ground, that isn’t the case for every concept out there. In fact, there are plenty that you can do for free. 

If you’re searching for a change in life but don’t have the float to get the boat on the water, we have some great online business ideas without investment that are sure to tickle your fancy. Why not kick back, relax, and join us while we help you decide on your next great adventure?

A Quick List of Top Ideas

  • Podcaster 
  • YouTuber 
  • TikToker
  • Blogging 
  • Dropshipping 
  • Freelancing 
  • Online Courses 
  • Self-Publication 
  • SEO Consulting 
  • Affiliate Marketing 
  • Virtual Assistant 
  • Ghostwriter 
  • eBay Seller 
  • Website Flipping 
  • Life Coach 
  • Tutor 
  • Personal Trainer 
  • Dog Walker 
  • Photographer 
  • Baker 

Podcaster/Virtual Personality 

The notion of becoming a virtual personality or a podcaster has increased massively in popularity over the last few years. There is so much potential for income, and you can make a very good living off it. You just need to make yourself personable, give your content a unique touch, and really engage with your audience so that they feel noticed.

You can also put out merchandise for your followers to buy as well – especially if you gain a larger following that is really into your material. On top of the money made from sponsorships and views, you’re going to make great cash from the merch. 


There are so many avenues that you can follow when you choose to become a freelancer. Web design, writing, graphic design, SEO, all of these are very valid choices and can generate great income. The best part is that you don’t need to invest anything at all in order to get started. All you need is the willpower to get yourself out there and a good social media push. 

Work on a personal portfolio to share your skills with prospective clients, and really boost yourself online using social media platforms, freelancing platforms, and forums where you can gather with other freelancers as well as clients. This career choice is all about networking and being charismatic. 

Website Flipping 

Also known as online real estate, you do need some investment to get started but it’s absolutely minimal. Website flipping is the practice of buying existing websites and then selling them for profit. It’s just like buying a house, fixing it up, and then putting it on the market for a higher price. There are also ways to avoid investing money completely. 

You can build your own website and try to flip it like that, but this doesn’t always work as well as buying an existing one. The only real downside to this concept is that it’s very time-consuming and can take quite a while to shift your websites – especially in the beginning. However, once you get the momentum going it’s a very promising career choice. 

Virtual Assistant 

Delegation is often the key to success, and as a virtual assistant, you will be helping marketers and other business professionals to better organise their lives. There are plenty of tasks that you can be put in charge of such as:

  • Travel arrangements
  • Social media marketing/promotion
  • Link building
  • Calendar management
  • Email management
  • Blog posting
  • Audio/video editing

Of course, your tasks could include some or none of these – it’s whatever your boss needs you to do. The good news is that you don’t need to invest to become a virtual assistant, you just need to apply for the role or put yourself out there and have people come and enquire. 

Affiliate Marketing 

It’s probably the easiest and best way to make money online, and all without needing to invest a penny. What you need to do is form a partnership with a website, the most common being Amazon, and then write content that recommends their product to your audience. When someone buys using the link from your website, you earn a commission. 

It’s a very simple and successful model, and the good news is that it costs you nothing. However, the market does get flooded easily and so you’ll need to work hard to boost your rankings and tower above the competition. It needs a good chunk of elbow grease, but the end results are definitely worth it. 

Online Courses 

Sharing your knowledge is a fantastic way to help other people, as well as top up your bank account. It can seem like a really niche thing to be able to accomplish, but the reality is that anyone can create an online course for others to learn from. All you need to do is find something you excel at and help other people learn how to do it too. 

You will need to make sure that you present your course in a way that is engaging, keeping your audience hooked after they buy. You’ll have to include information that’s unique or presented in a unique way so that they feel as though they are getting value for money. The little things mean a lot, and online courses are successful with charismatic content and marketing. 

Dog Walking 

It’s great for your health, it helps people out when they have no time to walk their dog, and you have the benefit of getting to know a lot of great pooches. All you really need to get started with a dog walking business is a few neighbours that need a hand and trust you to walk their furry friend. After that, it’s a matter of collecting the cash for a job well done. 

If you want to take it to a more professional level and expand past family and friends, you are going to need insurance. The good news is that dog walker insurance tends to be ridiculously cheap, so once you have a little cash behind you there’ll be no problem getting started on a more professional basis. 

To Conclude

As you can see, there are loads of fantastic opportunities just waiting for you to get your hands on them. The world is your oyster, and is there anything else that’s quite as exciting as that? With these online business ideas, you don’t need to invest anything to get started. All you need is a little willpower and the mind of a hustler ready to make some cash. 

If you’re looking to delve deep into the world of online work, you should make sure to check out some of our other guides. We recommend online business ideas from home as well as e-commerce ideas to make money to get you started. Make sure you keep up updated on your journey in the comment section, we love hearing from you. 

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