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Latest posts on WordPress, SEO, Online Marketing and Consulting

WordPress Watermark Plugin

Wordpress watermark plugin

This easy-to-use WordPress watermark plugin does what is expected: it puts a nice watermark on your pictures to make them more difficult to steal.

SEO Siloing

SEO siloing

What is SEO siloing or SEO silo? How to silo your website? Who should do it and who don’t, and what can you expect in the search result?

WordPress AB Testing

WordPress AB Testing

In this tutorial I show you how to increase conversion on your WordPress site with free WordPress AB Testing or Split Testing tools.

Benefits of WordPress

Benefits of WordPress

The 5 greatest benefits of WordPress. WordPRess is undoubtedly one of the best CMS today. It’s free and… find out the 5 most important benefits!

WordPress Internal Server Error

WordPress internal server error

Receiving a 500 WordPress Internal Server Error is one of the most frustrating error messages out there in blogworld. And what makes it even scarier that you usually get this…