I’ve always loved cooking, and I’ve always loved writing. What better idea to combine these two hobbies in the 21st century, than starting a cooking blog?
This is how my journey to learn SEO and become a well known SEO Expert and online marketing consultant has begun. If you’ve ever felt that what you’re doing is good, but you still don’t have the skills or knowledge to make it widely known online, I bet you can relate to this story. And maybe find the way you can finally make it online.
How It All Started
It was 2011 when I first met WordPress, a very easy to set up and use website content management system. As someone who loves to cook and write, I felt it was time to start my first cooking blog.
So I launched my website, and I was very excited to publish my recipes as often as I could.
And being someone working in the field of marketing, I installed Google Analytics on the first day so i could track the insane amount of people coming and visiting my second to none recipes.
But the expected flow of visitors just never came. Here is a chart showing my website traffic in the first two months after launch. 153 people total in 62 days, an average of 2.5. And I bet those 2-3 people daily were only my Facebook friends, who got annoyed of me posting my recipes so they finally clicked and checked out my site.

Something Strange Happened
I didn’t give up, and continued publishing. 38 recipes or blogposts had been published until the end of that year, and I was still convinced that only my closest friends, 2-3 people daily came to check out my content.
Then around Christmas I went ahead and logged into my Google Analytics account, and noticed something strange. 37 visits on December 23, and more than 1000 visitors since September. Don’t get me wrong, I’m completely aware of the fact that these numbers are basically nothing. Statistical error.
But back then this was like a great shock to me, a positive one. I hadn’t even had 1000 Facebook friends, so who could be those people? Where did they come from?

So I dug deeper and found something very interesting.
To give you the whole picture, back then I did not really market my blog other than posting it on a few social media and link sharing sites, and I definitely did not do anything related to SEO.
All I knew about SEO by that time was that it existed. We had a monthly contract with an SEO agency at my company, they were working on one single keyword. They told us that if we stopped paying for them, we would loose our ranking (no mistake, this was organic SEO). We still made a profit on that one keyword, so we kept on paying and it was all that I cared about.
Then I looked at this chart, and boy was I shocked to see that more than 50% of the traffic to my blog came from Google. Remember, I did nothing regarding to SEO back then. (Origoclick.com used to be a social sharing platform in those days.)

Oops, There Must Be Something!
So let’s look at this situation. I was recklessly working on my recipes, posting 38 in 6 months. Also doing everything I could in order to promote my website on as many social media and link sharing websites as I could. And not very successfully (just look at the numbers).
And there comes along this visitor source called Google, giving me more than half of my traffic? That is, more visitors then everything else combined, without even knowing how it works, let alone doing anything related to SEO?
This was the time, the beginning of 2012, when after seeing these numbers, I decided that I would dig deeper into the realm of Search Engine Optimization.
At that time I had no idea that thanks to my decision, my website traffic was to be more than 100X-ed in just two years, and that I stepped on the path toward becoming a well known SEO Expert and Consultant.
Time To Learn SEO Copywriting
The very first thing I realized was that SEO’s not about targeting only one keyword. Those 359 visits in December targeted all of my 38 recipes, and even more than that. People from Google also came to visit my about page, and even a few tag pages.
So I looked around online and found that there was something called SEO copywriting. As I consider myself a writer, I was really excited. I could finally find something where you can learn how to write any text so that it will be seen by thousands of people.
I learnt that with just two simple settings, your title and meta description, not only can you manipulate your rankings, but even entice people to actually click on your website and become visitors.
I even learnt that by selecting your keywords wisely, than deliberately targeting those keywords with an article, you have more control over your search engine rankings than just getting some traffic by chance.
And what I liked the most is that I could develop a system for my articles, where I could share my thoughts with my readers. And as a writer I could have extreme results in being actually seen and read, as opposed to writing for the virtual desk drawer (i.e. publish but have no visitors).
The Rest Is History
I wouldn’t say that all there is to SEO is copywriting. But I know that it was SEO copywriting that helped me understand the basics of SEO, get real results in a matter of weeks, and set me on a path that as of today I’ve taught more than 2000 people on how to make more money online (SEO, WordPress, Online Marketing, Consulting etc.).
I’ve helped 100+ clients personally, have more than 30 online courses on SEO, WordPress and online marketing. My first course in English being published just on the very topic of SEO Copywriting.
At the end of that year, 2012, my blog reached an average of about 1000 daily visitors, that number being well over 2000 daily in the next year.

And what’s most important, here is what I learnt in the first months of my SEO path, that you can also apply to your website or your business:
- SEO is a learnable skill.
- If you learn SEO copywriting, you can see almost immediate results in your rankings. Something that even some SEO Experts don’t dare to guarantee you.
- Once you understand how to write a text for SEO, you can apply these very principles in almost every situation you face in on-site SEO.
- If there is not enough interesting and well written content on a website, no matter what tweaking, linking etc. you apply, you have less chances to rank and to actually attract traffic.
- There are exponentially more opportunities to attract relevant traffic to a website than more people think. You can target literally thousands of keywords, no matter what your topic is.
If you want to finally understand how SEO works, learn a skill that can boost your website’s traffic free in a matter of days or weeks, and would be pleased to see a chart like the one above, then why not check out my online SEO Copywriting Course? In this course I teach you everything you need in order to actually learn SEO copywriting, and be able to apply instantly what you’ll learn in order to rank your website.