List Of 53 Most Popular Hobbies

Have you ever wondered what the most popular hobbies in the world are? What are those pastimes the most people enjoy doing? I gathered a list for you with just that.

And if you wonder why I would list hobbies on an online marketing website, just read my article on how to make money with your hobby and you’ll instantly understand.

3 Categories Of Popular Hobbies

Popular hobbies can be divided into 3 main categories. Obviously sports are one of these. The other two can be defined based on whether you mostly stay at home or go outside to enjoy your favorite pastime.

Browse the list just for fun, or try to find the hobby that looks most appealing to you. And don’t forget, you can always make money with what you love doing!

List Of Most Popular Hobbies

Stay-at-home Hobbies

  1. Reading
  2. Computer
  3. Games
  4. Social Networking
  5. Playing Music
  6. Listening to Music
  7. Movies
  8. Watching TV
  9. Cooking
  10. Gardening
  11. Crafts
  12. Playing Cards
  13. Writing
  14. Painting
  15. Interior design
  16. Animals

Sports And Exercising

  1. Rugby
  2. American Football
  3. Soccer (Association Football)
  4. Basketball
  5. Baseball
  6. Sewing
  7. Golf
  8. Bicycling
  9. Hiking
  10. Walking
  11. Exercise
  12. Swimming
  13. Skiing
  14. Cricket
  15. Field Hockey
  16. Volleyball
  17. Table Tennis
  18. Bowling
  19. Running
  20. Dancing
  21. Horseback Riding
  22. Tennis
  23. Motorsports
  24. Athletics
  25. Martial Arts
  26. Badminton

Other Outdoor Hobbies

  1. Traveling
  2. Shopping
  3. Fishing
  4. Hunting
  5. Eating Out
  6. Camping
  7. Cars
  8. Boating
  9. Motorcycling
  10. Theater
  11. Snooker

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