100 Ways To Make Money From Home In 2021

Making money from home has become an integrated part of our society in the 21st century. Although you hear about the limitless options online, sometimes it can be hard to identify the right way for yourself to even start making money from home. In this article I share with you no less than 100 different ways to make money from home.

What You’ll Find In This Article

Here is a quick roundup of what you find in this article so you can navigate easily to the part that most interests you:

But what’s even more important then simply browsing the list of 100 ways to make money from home, I want to help you to understand why you struggled so far to make money from home or online. Once you understand these 3 levels, the whole process will become much easier.

So first let’s understand the 3 main types of making money from home, then I give you a little hint on how to start, and finally I’ll share with you the list of 100 options.

3 Levels Of Making Money From Home

There are 3 very different levels when it comes to making money from home. It is of upmost importance to know at which level you are and also to decide which way you want to go. Because one reason you might fail making money from home can actually be that you try to step on the wrong path. But more on this later.

  • Building passive income. A.k.a. level 3 of making money from home. I admit this is what sounds the best, but it is by far the most difficult to achieve and I actually discourage anyone from starting at this level.
  • Running a small business from home. This one, level 2 of making making money from home, can actually be much easier than most people would think. You don’t really have to think about running a large enterprise. Starting your own blog, along with several other possibilities, that then generates a constant flow of money could be a good example for this option and it can indeed generate you money while still only working from home.
  • Sell your time working from home. Selling your time doesn’t sound that great, but actually in my opinion this is by far the easiest and most recommended method for literally anyone to start making money from home. This is level 1, and if you’ve never actually made any money from home, you should definitely start with this step, even if your long-term goals are level 2 or level 3.

Let’s see why!

Why Are You Struggling Making Money From Home

The reasons are simple. There are in fact only 2 main reasons you might find it difficult to make money on the side.

  1. You put too much focus on passive income or building a small business, level 2 and 3, without any prior experience.
  2. You don’t really possess a skill which you can do from home and what’s valuable enough for others so that they would pay you in exchange of your efforts.

Don’t get me wrong, building passive income or running a small business from home are definitely a great way to make a lot of money. But they are just not the way you should start. These methods take a lot of time to build up a substantial income, and in some cases they would even require some initial monetary investment. So while great as a long term plan, chasing passive income or an online business can actually ruin your expectations at the beginning.

As far as the second point goes (possessing a valuable skill), our society has changed a lot in the last few decades. And what’s even more difficult to understand, it is constantly changing. So the skills that could have been useful even a couple of years ago can be just as simply outdated today.

The Solution

The solution is simple. Learn a couple of skills that are valuable enough right now, in the 21st century, so that people would be happy to pay you in exchange of your services. Start making money by selling your work practicing these skills.

This way you can start making money from home even in the first month. You get a lot of experience, build business connections, and continue making an income flow. And once you’re experienced enough, you can safely progress into level 2 or 3, that is building an online business or passive income.

I’ll share with you a couple of these skills at the end of this article so make sure to scroll down. But first let’s see our list of 100 ways of making money from home.

100 Ways To Make Money From Home

Selling Your Time From Home

General Knowledge

  1. Work as a Virtual Assistant
  2. Data Entry
  3. eCommerce website product data entry
  4. Online customer service representative
  5. Online surveys
  6. Plan travel tips


  1. Design logos
  2. Design websites or apps
  3. Create social media images (e.g. for Pinterest, Instagram)
  4. Create illustrations
  5. Create simple or 3D animations
  6. Create video animations
  7. Design car wraps
  8. Design ads or banners
  9. Book formatting
  10. Cover design
  11. Clothing / fashion design
  12. Jewelry design
  13. Infographic design
  14. Photoshop editing
  15. Create sound effects for videos

Social Media

  1. Manage complete Social Media accounts
  2. Post premade content to Social Media accounts
  3. Instagram posting and communication
  4. Facebook posting and communication
  5. Pinterest posting and communication
  6. YouTube posting and communication
  7. LinkedIn posting and communication

Coding / Programming

  1. Build websites
  2. Write code on demand
  3. Build mobile apps
  4. User testing

Writing, Editing, Language

  1. Write articles or blog posts
  2. Work as an editor
  3. Work as a proofreader
  4. Make transcripts
  5. Translate
  6. Teach your own language for foreigners
  7. Write LinkedIn profiles (more a writing than a Social Media job)
  8. Podcast writing
  9. Creative writing
  10. Sales copy writing

Digital Marketing

  1. Complete SEO services
  2. Link building
  3. Local SEO
  4. Google Ads management
  5. Facebook Ads management
  6. LinkedIn Ads management
  7. Manage chatbots
  8. Create lead magnets
  9. Manage email marketing


  1. Voice-overs
  2. Video editing
  3. Create business plans
  4. Product photography
  5. Create presentations
  6. Business competition research
  7. Sell products / services over phone, email or Messenger
  8. HR phone interviews
  9. Online computer tutoring for elderly persons
  10. Product description writing
  11. Online tutoring
  12. Teach music online

Building Your Own Business From Home

Start Your Own Consulting Business

  1. General business consulting
  2. Financial consulting
  3. HR consulting
  4. PR consulting
  5. Marketing / Digital marketing consulting
  6. Legal consulting
  7. IT consulting
  8. Organic / green consulting 
  9. Job description writing service
  10. Book writing / publishing consulting
  11. Lifestyle / health / nutrition consulting
  12. Personal development consulting
  13. Online career counseling
  14. Resume consultant
  15. Bookkeeping / accounting business

Online Business Opportunities

  1. Start an e-learning business
  2. Create an eCommerce website
  3. Start a dropshipping business
  4. Create your own mobile app
  5. Create WordPress themes or plugins
  6. Start a YouTube vlog
  7. Start a business based on podcasting
  8. Start an Ebay/Amazon/Etsy shop
  9. Start a premium online community

Other Business Opportunities From Home

  1. Join a network marketing business
  2. Create WordPress themes or plugins
  3. Press release services
  4. Build websites for flipping
  5. Flip domains
  6. Grow organic veggies / produce in your garden and sell them online
  7. Sell your artwork

Building Passive Income From Home

  1. Sell your photos
  2. Sell your music
  3. Build a blog to generate passive income
  4. Start affiliate websites
  5. Write books
  6. Online investing / trading

21st Century Skills

And lastly, as I promised before, let me share with you some real 21st century skills that can help you make money from home. Learn these and your work will not only be valuable but sought after.

And what’s even better, while you can start making money from home almost immediately, you can also start building your own business and/or passive income source in the meantime with these same skills.

  • Website editing
  • Blog article writing
  • Website publishing
  • Image editing
  • Social media communication
  • Online Advertising
  • Programming
  • SEO

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