It’s a very special situation to start a business as a mom. You only have a few hours a day to work, and even then you’re interrupted like every other minute. Or someone’s just crying from the background. Believe me, I know how it feels like to work...
Most people have the feeling that search engine optimization (SEO) might be a lucrative activity, but I find it’s usually not well understood how to actually make money using SEO. What often comes into people’s mind is that you target a lucrative keyword,...
You can’t start soon enough — the old saying is also true when it comes to business. Of course not everyone is open to start their first company in their teenage years, but if your parents are supportive and you feel that you want to try yourself, why not...
So you’re looking for the best idea to start a business and make some extra dough while in school? Thankfully today your possibilities are endless, no matter if you’re a university, college or even high school student. But what should you pick as your...
What are your possibilities if you want to start a new business after retirement? Are there any good business opportunities for seniors these days? What are the best business ideas after retirement, over 50, 60 or even 70? Be honest! Do you really feel that after...
Blogging is not only a fun way to express yourself, help others, and share your thoughts with other people around the globe, but it can provide a steady flow of income for you if done the right way. Many people are enthusiastic about the idea of earning money with...