10 Funniest And Most Motivational SEO Quotes Ever

Tired of boring and useless SEO Quotes? Want some real inspiration and fun? Check out what I think are the 10 funniest and most motivational SEO Quotes of all time.

…and please don’t forget to share your favorite SEO quote on Facebook or Pinterest!

10 funniest and most motivational SEO Quotes

SEO Quote #1

This is my favorite SEO quote, and I think it’s pretty motivational if you get it right. It tells everything about where you should put your efforts online.

Social may be sexy, but search still pays the bills. — Tom Pick

Social may be sexy but search still pays the bills - Tom Pick - SEO Quote

SEO Quote #2

I heard this one first from Glenn Allsopp @ Viperchill, but it’s so true. Read more about the underlying meaning of this quote in my Golden rule of SEO article.

Google follows people.

Google follows people - SEO Quote

SEO Quote #3

This is not only an SEO quote. This is the best advice you can ever get in online marketing, or in the make money online business.

Speak their language. Not yours.

Speak their language. Not yours. - SEO Quote

SEO Quote #4

Well, this one is funny, but it’s not always true to be exact. Some keywords have a lot of value even on page 2!

The best place to hide a dead body is page two of Google.

The best place to hide a dead body is page two of Google - SEO Quote

SEO Quote #5

Yeah Matt, we all understand it.

The objective is not to make your links appear natural. The objective is that your links are natural. — Matt Cutts

The objective is not to make your links appear natural. The objective is that your links are natural. - Matt Cutts - SEO Quote

SEO Quote #6

This one is just simply funnyt 😀 😀

If you make something useful, some weird or bad things will happen along with the good. — Matt Cutts

If you make something useful, some weird or bad things will happen along with the good. - Matt Cutts - SEO Quote

SEO Quote #7

I know some people are just conversion freaks. But show me an opportunity to grow traffic, and I’ll show you an opportunity to grow your business.

It’s much easier to grow your business by getting more traffic than by playing with your conversion rate. — Balazs Szilagyi

It's much easier to grow your business by getting more traffic than by playing with your conversion rate. - Balazs Szilagyi - SEO Quote

SEO Quote #8

Sure. It’s a shame this is not always the case though.

Great content deserves great ranking.

Great content deserves great ranking - SEO Quote

SEO Quote #9

If you also have 10+ year old content online that’s still ranking like a charm without ever touching it, you know this one is true.

Good SEO work only gets better over time. It’s only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change. — Jill Whalen

Good SEO work only gets better over time. It's only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change - Jill Whalen - SEO Quote

SEO Quote #10

The success of a page should be measured by one criteria: does the visitor do what you want them to do? – Aaron Wall

The success of a page should be measured by one criteria: does the visitor do what you want them to do? - Aaron Wall - SEO Quote

What’s Your Favorite SEO Quote?

If you have any other favorite SEO quotation, don’t hesitate to share it below in the comments section. We’d love to see more motivating and funny quotes on Search Engine Optimization or Online Marketing! 🙂

10 funny & motivational SEO Quotes

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